Steady Motion of Underwater Gliders and Stability Analysis

B. Wang, J. Xiong, S. Wang, D. Ma and C. Liu.

Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022


6DLS: Modeling Nonplanar Frictional Surface Contacts for Grasping Using 6-D Limit Surfaces

J. Xu, T. Aykut, D. Ma, E. Steinbach

IEEE Transaction on Robotics, 2021


Assessing the fast non-Hertzian methods based on the simulation of wheel–rail rolling contact and wear distribution

B. An, D. Ma, P. Wang, J. Zhou, R. Chen, J. Xu, D. Cu

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2020

Numerical investigation on the dynamic behaviour of derailed railway vehicles protected by guard rail

J. Lai, J. Xu, P. Wang, J. Chen, J. Fang, D. Ma, R. Chen

Vehicle System Dynamics, 2020

Before 2020

Multiple Impacts and Multiple-Compression Process in the Dynamics of Granular Chains

Y. Feng, W. Kang, D. Ma, C Liu

Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019

Friction variability in planar pushing data: Anisotropic friction and data-collection bias

D. Ma, A. Rodriguez

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018

Dynamics of a spinning disk

D. Ma, C. Liu

Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016

Contact law and coefficient of restitution in elastoplastic spheres

D. Ma, C. Liu

Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015

Experimental study of transport of a dimer on a vertically oscillating plate

J. Wang, C. Liu, D. Ma

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2014

Rolling friction and energy dissipation in a spinning disc

D. Ma, C. Liu, Z. Zhao, H. Zhang

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2014

Ratchet rotation of a 3D dimer on a vibrating plate

J. Wang, C. Liu, Y.B. Jia, D. Ma

The European Physical Journal E, 2014

  1. C. Zhao, J. Ren, H. Yu, D. Ma, “In-situ Mechanical Calibration for Vision-based Tactile Sensors”, submitted to ICRA 2023.


  1. D. Ma, S. Dong ,A. Rodriguez, “Extrinsic Contact Sensing with Relative-Motion Tracking from Distributed Tactile Measurements”, ICRA 2021. ICRA Best Conference Paper Award.pdf
  2. Jiaming Xiong, Bo Li, Ruihan Yu, Daolin Ma, Wei Wang, Caishan Liu, “Reduced Dynamics and Control for an Autonomous Bicycle”, ICRA 2021.pdf


  1. S. Dong, D. Ma, E. Donlon, A. Rodriguez, “Maintaining grasps within slipping bounds by monitoring incipient slip", 2019.pdf
  2. D. Ma, E. Donlon, S. Dong, A. Rodriguez, “Dense Tactile Force Estimation using GelSlim and inverse FEM", 2019.pdf


  1. A Zeng, S Song, KT Yu, E Donlon, FR Hogan, M Bauza, D Ma, O. Taylor, M. Liu, E. Romo, N. Fazeli, F. Alet, N. Dafle, R. Holladay, I. Morena, P. Q. Nair, D. Green, I. Taylor, W. Liu, T. Funkhouser, A. Rodriguez, “Robotic pick-and-place of novel objects in clutter with multi-affordance grasping and cross-domain image matching", 2018. Amazon Robotics Best Systems Paper Award.pdf